Our accredited status means that our Quality Management System and in-scope analytical methods meet the stringent requirements of an internationally recognized standard of quality for testing laboratories in the Food industry. It also means that our customers can expect high-quality, reliable results time after time. ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation requires that we have in-place the quality policies, procedures and detailed work instructions necessary to ensure proper technical, as well as managerial, operating practices in our laboratories. The Food Safety Institute of HRIC is accredited by ESYD according to ISO 17025 for laboratory tests, carried out by the Laboratory of Analytical & Instrumental Chemistry and the Laboratory of Molecular and Immunochemical Techniques and Microbiology. Our full scope and certificate of accreditation may be viewed on our accrediting agency’s website Hellenic Accreditation System E.SY.D. – Certificate number 1111.
Participation in proficiency testing programs is a requirement of our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and serves as an external quality measure of laboratory accuracy. The laboratory participates in numerous proficiency testing programs including FERA, LGC, BIPEA, DRRR, DLA, USDA, SCHEMA etc.